3 Car Loan Myths

If you have your eye on a new or used car, you may have to consider financing options. The problem that a lot of people face is that they don't have optimal credit and may not think that they qualify. While many lenders offer bad credit car loans, there are still a lot of myths that circle the choice. You shouldn't let these turn you away from the financing that could get you your dream car. Here are the three top myths when it comes to car loans.

A Low Credit Score Guarantees Rejection

This isn't true at all. In fact, there are dealers and lenders that specialize in car loans for people with bad credit. Poor credit will not stop you from financing a car.

You Can't Refinance if You Had a Poor Credit Score

When you're approved of a car loan with a low credit score, you are given the opportunity to build your credit over again. After a while, as your score builds you will be given more options. It's common for people to refinance their loan and come up with a cheaper rate after they have built up their credit score.

Income Doesn't Matter if You Have Bad Credit

Income absolutely matters! Income and the other debts that you owe play a big role in the size of the loan you can be awarded. While lenders do pay attention to your credit, your income also plays a large role in whether or not you're approved. This can also affect the rates that you're given.

Don't allow myths to turn you away from car loans. Even with bad credit there are many options out there. While it can be a difficult choice for many people to decide whether or not they want to look into financing for a vehicle, it's important not to be deterred by myths. Only the facts should be an influencing factor on your decision.

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